Sunday, July 15, 2012


For most of my life I have been an overweight person. My eating habits were horrible, I didn’t get enough sleep, I didn’t exercise and I drank heavily since the first time in my mid teens when I have tasted the “joy” of numbing out all emotions with alcohol. It got so bad that when I was 21 I weight more than 125 kilo (fortunately the scale went only to that number, but I think that I weight more than 135 kilo).

There is a thing in taking the easy road. I mean, you don’t have to think about anything other than just sticking to whatever you are doing and just cruise through life on auto mode. But doing that will, for the most part, get you nowhere. Even if you do decide to change something, it is still more convenient to take the easy way and just blindly follow some ones guide. But unfortunately the gained results are short lived and you find yourself back at the beginning of your journey, not learning anything in the process. I didn’t want that happening to me, so I decided to become well educated in that field.

In my six years of studying about sports and clinical nutrition as well as exercise and sports psychology I have seen a rapid growth in overweight and even obese people in my surroundings. Whatever the reason is, there is a big gap between people and the right kind of information that they need. Lately there has been a storm of all different kinds of diets and diet books from the zero diet, alkalizing diet, fruit diet, vegetable diet, ketogenic diet, carb diet, no fat diet and so on and so forth. Trust me, if you start reading more than one at a time, the conflicting information in them will surely drive you mad and want to give up. And even if we do have all the right information in one place, it is still very difficult to stay motivated and very easy to lose sight of your goals. Especially if you don’t see the number on the scale getting smaller on a weekly basis.

I lost a substantial amount of weight due to trial and error. Unfortunately for me, one of my errors was that at one time at around 24 years of age, I realized that a weight of 65 kilo is not healthy (considering I’m 1.83 centimeters tall). At that time I was eating no more than 2 apples a day, and I considered myself lucky if I did not throw up every time I took a bite. I was anorexic and bulimic. To top that off I realized that I have body dysmorphia syndrome. An injury I sustained at the age of 25 came as a blessing in disguise. I managed to get to 90 kilo and am currently in the process of gaining muscle mass and losing those pesky few kilo, that remain on my body.

These are just few of the reasons why I have decided to create this site. I wanted to educate people about healthy weight loss, healthy nutrition, exercising and how to stick to your plan, even when your motivation is low.

So to sum it all up, welcome to my site, where I will try to teach you everything that you need to know about losing weight and keeping it off with great and healthy nutrition, exercises and motivation. 

Picture taken from


  1. Hi Vashiell,
    great story of your success, but where do you think every man/woman should start to be succesful as you are? What should we do first? Read about nutrition and start controlling our diet or start sporting, doing fitness and similar.
    What did you do first? YOu made a plan or just a decision...?

    1. I believe, that the first thing that you need to achieve any goal in life is determination, and lots of it.
      Weight loss is simple, but it isn't easy. You need to know what and when to eat, how regularly and intensely to exercise, how to break a plateau, but most of all, you need to find a way to keep your motivation high at all times.

      The first thing that I did was that I made a conscious decision that I wanted to change my life around and to finally live and not just exist.
      I wish you well on your journey and I hope, that this has helped you a bit. Stay in touch for more information.
