Monday, September 17, 2012


People sometimes ask me, what is the easiest thing that they can do to lose/maintain their weight and to have more energy. I, of course, tell them to eat right, lose excess weight and sleep, but that is not the easy tip that they are looking for. I am not an enabler for your bad habits (a person who lets others take the easy way out).
With that said, there is one thing that you can do, that will dramatically help you with your goals. And that is eating breakfast!

People who skip breakfast eat more during the day, and that is a fact. They make unhealthier choices at lunch. Also, if they don’t eat breakfast they think that they are entitled to indulge in something “better”

The reality is really simple. Like most things in life, the way you deal or cope with something depends heavily on the first few choices. Food isn’t any different. The choices you make at breakfast control (to a certain extent) the choices you make for your other meals.

But what to eat for breakfast? Well the good ol cereal are always an option. Make sure the cereal is whole grain, so that you get more fiber and micro nutrients, that it isn’t fortified with anything (fortified foods usually have iron or other elements like calcium added into them. But ot add something in, they first need to take something out) and please use organic dairy or coconut milk.

Eggs are a great food to start your day with. They are almost a complete food, lacking only in vitamin C. They have loads of good HDL cholesterol and protein.

Organic yogurt with some fresh fruit and cereal makes a fine breakfast as well.

My roommate is completely in love with smoothies, so consider a nice banana/pear/apple smoothie for breakfast.

Until next time, stay strong and be kind.

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